Deferred concept of income tax allocation You will gain [ get] profit from your studies. 所得税递延分摊概念你将从念书中获得益处。
Deferral and amortization of gains and losses deferred concept of income tax allocation 所得税递延分摊概念
Net of tax concept of income tax allocation 所得税分配中的税后净额概念
Preferential policies for Enterprise income tax will act on resource allocation, income allocation, and economic development, attracting investment and increasing the international competition power. 企业所得税税收优惠具有资源配置、收入分配、经济发展、吸引外资增强国际竞争力功能。
Eversince 1994, China began to adopt individual income tax which has played an active part in the collection of financial revenue, adjustment of income allocation and promotion of economic growth. 我国自1994年开始实施的个人所得税制,在筹集财政收入、调节收入分配、促进经济增长等方面起着积极作用。
Second, analyzed the function of personal income tax on a few different aspects, such as realizing the equity of distribution by regulate the income assignment, adjusting allocation of resource to promote economic efficiency, stabilizing economy and so on; 第二,从调节收入分配实现分配公平、调节资源配置促进经济效率、稳定经济等方面分析了个人所得税的功能;
We should further perfect personal income tax law system so that it can better follow the principle of equity of tax burden and better adjust personal income allocation. 通过税法理论和税收实务角度的探讨,进一步完善我国个人所得税法律制度,以公平税负,充分发挥其调节个人收入分配的功能。
The fourth part of the paper explores the causes of unreasonable income tax allocation in Taiwan. Through a focused analysis on the defects of the existing income tax systems, the researcher endeavors to identify an integrated minimum tax system through a process of logical thinking. 第四部分,探讨台湾所得税负担分配的不合理,着重分析所得税制存在的缺失,为完善最低税负制理清思路。
Then, the writer will analyze some theoretical problems and basic concepts of income tax accounting, including income tax accounting objective, the nature of income tax matters, income tax accounting differences and income tax expense allocation. 接着,对几个所得税会计理论问题和基本概念进行了分析,包括所得税会计的目标、所得税事项的实质、所得税会计差异以及所得税费用的摊配。